briefly, i have been living like a nomad since my return to Tas.
Cappy isn't it? shifting from house to house begging for a bed space.
Couldn't retrieved nor unpack my luggage.
Been wearing the same set of apparel for the past 4 days.
Its cold here.
I dunno how they define summer here.
Been sharing a blanket under celcius 8 degree.
Lips breaking off.
Started class today. Flooded with old and new students. And there are a few she. =)
Got the first assignment in group.
So far so good minus the homeless part.
Monday, February 25, 2008
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
2/25/2008 10:08:00 PM
Labels: tassie
Monday, February 18, 2008
new phone...
new phone in 2 months.. sigh.. not going to post pic bout this cuz not really what i admire... its what my dad think as cheapest without knowing bout specs and stuff. so to please him i bought this. sweat.=_="
after more than 10 hours of inspection. this phone ok la. the user feedbacks are good. then ok lo. i cant do anything also.
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
2/18/2008 04:38:00 AM
Labels: geek
Saturday, February 16, 2008
LALALA~ 新年过完了。还蛮悲哀的...可野蛮不一样...可能就应该大概是这样...
初一 - 初三 在外婆家+阿姨家。while kuantan kias 大团拜 without me just like last year. sober. but, 出国了难得可以跟家人见面嘛,看开点。 朋友还可以msn吹水。
初4 - Recent:还剩下几只小猫在关丹,一到家不久直接去futsal. 晚上到cs家坐坐,气氛超可悲as cc 还在发烂渣...then 我们去megamall bowling. The next day HX went back d. So desperately we cant think of anywhere and anybody to find. heres our 拜年 route: noon go fetch cc, then go find siewyi. tada~! 3 of us become the new 拜年帮~ 虽然有点嗑水... we bravely go find Ms Ong 拜年。 swt... then we go find LXL... chit chat with xyn's parents. then again we go find cs, and go to my house (-_-'') then dunno why and dunno how me and cc and matilda(dunno when got cc's gf joined us d) go find menghui. (swt...) 还不错啦可以交新朋友。then dunno talk what suddenly fetch her to my house. then cc got 1 绝世好一招瞒天过海plan. We go bowling and left menghui with my mom XD. Then cc called some people who is still around to go to his house at around 9 pm. so: mc, eeleen, siewyi showed up. we gamble till 11 till cc's brother back to singapore and we all went back to our house masing masing except for you-know-who lah... 过了海就是神仙嘛~ the next day, me and cc go bowling again. then siewyi join us for movie. 豆腐还是功夫?管他啦总之就是烂片一套。what happen that night i forgotten. must've been staying at home... the next day, went out with Bernard and cc to bowl. then went yc + siewyi, bensen and yongling. (weird combo again.. zzz) that night i think is the night i went tc to meet cc and matilda's friends and to see kerina. (lol) 没关系,交个朋友没害。and dunno why went to kerina's house to gamble. knn lost 99 terpaksa fongfeikei bernard and n bensen to play pool. the next day, 情人节勒~bachelor's party went pool with bernard and bensen. not bad not bad. that night went megamall wan to bowl with cc de, but fully booked kns, went to parkson manatau got tourney... knsbbq..zzz met bernard and his brother and siewyi there we went for pool. after that tourney over siewyi 大小姐kena go home, me and cc stay to bowl. sweet. friday morning cc went back to kl d, after dinner bernard fetch me cuz siewyi say sien ask for plan. initially me and bernie was going to the movie but due to some problems we terpaksa cancel it and heard that 小庄 and suyu were back, so 5 of us (weird combo lagi) went to the fun fair. swt. i have to stress that 小庄好漂亮~ although i cant hit any plushie for her. noob ka. then we go santai yc, crap alot. 今天没法bowl了, 可怜siewyi剪指甲空欢喜。
been bowling berturut-turut for so many days. sendiri syok but wallet no syok. been enjoying around with different people. made new friends and with bernie around anyone can be with any gang. 我妈妈的天空的妈妈的鸡...(i dunno what it means, bernard says it so often i think it probably means something like my mom's mother of the sky's chicken.zzz.)
people leaving one by one. soon there will be me alone in kuantan. 1 last week for me in malaysia... have to chiong to eat all good foods, chiong to do what i cant do there. depressing mode on~ one main reason for Launceston (aka sg lembing in aussie) to be so lame is because there is not a single pretty face to be seen around. ain't it a reason enough for me to sober for the whole semester? T.T
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
2/16/2008 04:35:00 AM
Labels: events
If you care bout me then you should know i changed my URL. 2 days after that someone took my previous URL. Hilarious. check this out:
my new URL is
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
2/16/2008 03:49:00 AM