today is thursday, i slept kinda late yesterday because i went to the uni to do model. 3 more days left to sunday, which i will then again be in hobart to do some presentation there. shitty huh? so everything is kinda rush for us at the moment, i shouldn't be writing this and suppose to be having my lunch and rush to uni.
by the way, i got 3 parcels today~! 1 is my mouse which i sent it back 4 weeks ago for warranty. its finally back and it feels good~ i think its a new mouse, or the refurbishment is flawless.
2ndly, i got xyn parcel~! she said its just a shirt but it comes in big box, with alot of goodies in it, and the best part is there is a panda cookies~ i remember seeing it somewhere in hobart and its freaking expensive... so xyn, i love you muax~
3rd is my new pendrive. FYI, my previous baby blue metallic thumbdrive with a baby blue teddy bear got possessed. there is a monster living in it, it screws every device with usb port i plug into. somehow draining excess amount of power from its mother device. the thumbdrive gained the ability to drain power something, which which means bad news to superman, spiderman, batman, ironman, hulk man, ant man, invisible man, keluang man and cicak man.
done crapping, here's some eye candy, or eye sorry, contradiction in a subjective way.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
7/31/2008 01:26:00 PM
Labels: random
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
site visit
went Hobart last weekend, for a site visit on monday, wonder why they like to have site in Hobart, just like i study kuantan go kl site visit. but its fun since hobarts is 3 times better than launceston. unusually, we stayed in a hotel, the casino hotel, wrest point or something is the name, cuz among us there are 2 siu yeh, which backpackers accommodation is impossible for them to stay.
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
7/22/2008 04:17:00 PM
day the rest
ok lah lets finish this in 1 shot.
day 5
melbourne meuseum
day 6
dinner with aili,
go skydeck.
day 7
still sick..
go st kilda,
no dinner, till night then go to the club.
day 8
no sick d.
go home after lunch.
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
7/22/2008 03:11:00 PM
Labels: winter trip 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
day 4
ok ok i know i am dragging... and its getting difficult for me to traceback what actually happened.
it starts with the lunch, or brunch... 车仔面~ very nice and the best part of my trip~!! there was this girl, sitting nearby, sharing 1 meal with an old man, which i pray to god is her father, or uncle, or any relatives with similar age. i manage to steal snap a blurry picture of her... she was the best i've seen so far...
after lunch, we took tram to smitch street, where all the factory outlet stores are. and lucky enough to found that nike is doing some crazy sale, like 40% off storewide for 2 hours on already reduced at least 40% stuff~!!! its so damn cheap you'll doubt its authenticity.. i grabbed a short pants for soccer.
dinner dinner worst japanese food.
after that pool abit.
after that meet up with aili in casino. then go pak tor with her, without holding hand.
then go public toilet abit like that,
then treat aili mcd since she changed her hairstyle abit like that.
then walk her home since she is a girl.
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
7/16/2008 10:32:00 PM
Labels: winter trip 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
day 3
ok i know its annoying and time wasting posting empty post day by day. no choice, i have to do this to boost my total posts.
oh ya, 3rd day, lunch, shopping, dinner laksa. the bestest meal of the trip. final healthy day for me :(
finally got some stuff, CKJ jean, fcuk shirt. itu aja. aku tarak duit beli manyak. but it was very cheap when its on sale here. very-the-cheap-sial.
while my friends spent on burberry, CK (not ckj as ckj is 1 lvl lower than ck) lacoste, ralph lauren, gucci, mont blac, onitsuka tiger, etc..
woot, nearly miss out the best part of 3rd day, i saw Rachel Ho in melbourne central. syok la woi~ 3 times leh... face to face, back to back, but sadly, she dont freaking know who the fcuk am i. well, its ok since i am not a fcuking who.
ok picture time~~
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
7/13/2008 12:12:00 AM
Labels: winter trip 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
day 2
this is the day i caught a deep flu.
see my face bolat 1.
lunch at random shop, yc at qv mall, some chocolate thingy.
dinner at somewhere far, but not as good. maybe my flu is is causing my taste receptor to be malfunctioning.went for movie after dinner, went home and sleep early.
yes. kinda boring cuz the middle part is mostly shopping in the city.
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
7/09/2008 02:27:00 PM
Labels: winter trip 2008
Friday, July 04, 2008
day 1
again, memory vault, it was more than a week, and i am trying to think back the experience back then.
21st June, I went Melbourne, along with these guys. *notice that lil fella in BW blurred, he was flying to singapore, so just ignore him.
3 1st timer, high expectations, 2 versatile, high spending. frm left to right in the picture.
as expected, melb is no way near cold.
it was like, autumn in tas.
can survive in 2 layers.
backpackers, banyak cheap.
ok, what we did on 1st day.. since its dark already, so we went for food, 8 bucks, satisfying siu yukk~ sedap sial~
walk around in the city, really is window shopping, all closed.
walk to Crown casino,
wasted enough time dy,
we went clubbing.
kena tiok 70 bucks,
cramped sial,
altho 99% asian,
but WF the whole bunch were sitting there, opened 2 chivas 2 red label,
play 15-20... and some games... =_="""""""""""""
i was with high expectation to visit melb club,
to get a full tank disappointment.
but the booze did got me high.
but its too ex for it.
supper abit after that,
ends the 1st day.
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
7/04/2008 07:53:00 PM
Labels: winter trip 2008