the end of 2008!
have to do a round up for what happened this year,
provided that i remember any of them.
this is gonna be as brief as possible.
earlier this year, January 29th was a big day.
it was when i sincerely giveaway my savings and cell phone to some strangers.
then it was a period of down and darkness.
everything was as usual in tassie,
staying with new friends and learning new things.
spent money on my wardrobe to re-identify myself.
visited melbourne in july after the first semester.
the second semester was screwed by my tutor.
final was not good.
back malaysia after attending my peers graduation,
visited kl last week,
hit a club and fell sick 2 days after.
found that klcc has changed to luxury,
and tried shogun which was not very good.
today is the last day of 2008,
and with stuff that happened around the world,
it might not seems to be a good year for everyone.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
12/31/2008 04:43:00 PM
in kl for a week,
nothing special happened.
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
12/31/2008 04:39:00 AM
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
in kuantan.
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
12/17/2008 01:13:00 AM
Labels: random
Sunday, December 14, 2008
an update about my current life.
starting from my internet-less life, my
routine is waking up late and pes09.
few nights at friend's place to kill of time with dota.
i was home alone for 3-4 days, and
with a car left to myself to use i am actually very free,
to move around and about anywhere i like.
was so peaceful despite the mundane lifestyle.
it was friday when things started to heat up, my housemate
was back in the house with 7 of his family members
and took over the whole house.
i used one night to pack all my shits and sugars
and left my room, after all it was the final day of my contract.
non-stop action of packing and the extra beds requested by my
housemate floods the house.
only this guy can describe the situation:
i left the house a nomad.
moved stuffs to my phuture house and sleep with
wow champion for 4 hours and guess what,
its their graduation the next day!
wake up at 8,
it was raining so there was no parade.
fetched a friend of mine to the ceremony,
all my friends are graduating... i was going to be left alone....
got a ticket from him to attend the meaningful boring event,
spotted a hottie sister of a senior.
i was given a sony alpha200 to snap around,
it was kinda cool having a DSLR hanging in front of my chest.
i took countless bad photos...
for some reason it was set to manual focus and i cant fking take a good picture.
sorry la i mess up the whole thing,
because i dunno how to use a camera.
before everything happened,
i got a text from my parents about my grandma,
my dad's mom.
she was unconscious and was sick, very sick.
. . . .
yesterday night was a blast!
the last night out for all the grads!
and for some reason they chose to flood a small club.
like the smallest club u can imagine.
long queue and got in.
everyone was there,
we had some shots and drinks that got us hyper in no time.
we hop to another club later,
and it was like the craziest night ever,
we dance and drink and ekoms and sguh around
slept this morning at 4,
got a text at 7
my grandma left us to another world.
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
12/14/2008 05:31:00 PM
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
the other day out of the blue we went fishing at the same spot again.
the only difference is i caught 4 fishes.
woot x 4
flathead. very big, my first ever caught.
2nd fish is a small cod.
another flathead.
life without internet is lame.
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
12/10/2008 01:57:00 AM
Labels: tassie