Sunday, September 20, 2009


one good thing bout blogging is that it is a time path for me
things that happened to me around me for me by me is arranged chronologically
i was wondering when was the first day i stepped onto this island: and i did recorded down in my blog. 8th of july 2007

when me and you are still strangers
when me and you are still strangers
when me and YOU do not know each other

do you remember yours?

Friday, September 18, 2009

blogmaki so random

i remember 2 years ago,

on a typical friday night after soccer i walked back to my leprena room sat down in front of my laptop with gush of depression
and i blogged.

i cant play soccer anymore.
i miss it.
but i have got to work.
i plan on taking off on friday night. yes, gotta tell me boss!
ironically, right after i put on my apron just now,
me boss requested me to work extra on thursday.
how am i suppose to take a minus two in the planned schedule?

know what?
with very slight concern,
i might get depression soon... i am so lack of socialism nowadays.
i need to go out and get hype!
but when there is a chance,
i often turn it down...

put it like this: i felt a lost of direction in my life...
at least subsequently.
i am affraid.
slight but true.

someone ajak me to gym. setting new directions?
i replied with a smile.
unsure if its a sincere smile or
merely a courteous feedback...

i was browsing scrolling through blogs.
blogs linked around people around me.
discovered familiar bloggers.
people who i know,
more appropriately; people i recognise, 'know' is a big word to use...
don't know could as well be the new know.

hey, i should be careful in writing here...
could be viewed by maybe more than 3 people after this...
i remember i onced have the hit counter gadget when i was with my 2nd blog theme.
but lost it in the messy html codes when i decided for a skin change.
i tried to dig it out but it lost count...
well, sometimes you have to let go of something for new thing to set in, right?
well , its always easier to say than lay.

something more random than this?
.: this morning i got a text by an unknown number:

'are you availabe this morning?'
-no, got to work.
'i had work for you no worries'
-who is this?
' Your favourite uncle'

.:practically, i was stunned. and went back to bed.
i texted the stranger back after i was awake.
he said he got somebody else in to help him out.
i ask who the stranger is he once again.
he mentioned something i cant comprehend. but i am quite sure he got me as the wrong guy.
best part: i do not know who is him/her still... and she/he might still thought i am the person he/she thought i am...

its midnight.
sometimes it feels so good just to write things that pop up in your mind first place.
i might wanna roll back my blog archive and re-tag all the posts... ahh~ sound like fun.

should i post along some pictures?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

give me sometime...

but don't write me off just yet...

Saturday, September 05, 2009



维持了150年,四王子(si empat) 已21岁了,国王对四王子抱着很大的期望,大儿子嘛,再过几年准备把王国交于他手。si empat一路的人生都有贵人相助,所以为国家赚了不少名声。si empat自知得到父王的宠爱,也顺理陈章有些被宠坏,性格也孤傲。

一天,si empat开着车厢镶金的汉血宝马车到处游手好闲,到了天使们玩乐的花园。看中服侍大仙女的小仙女-包比儿。小仙女由于家境没其他仙女们来的高清(HD)所以较多时间都与人类为伍,也渐渐不再意仙女的身份了。si empat 可是人类的傲料,把妹技巧当蓝很棒!


虽然国王不大同意把王族的血与仙族的血沟买在一起,可是爱子心切,也知道 si empat 年中换货快过换季,也一个眼开一个眼关啦。包比儿也远离天使界,也放弃其在天世界挽回家族声誉的理想了。她慢慢的习惯如此的生活,也渐渐的相信这是他的生活了。包比儿和 si empat 住在城堡里,过着性福快乐的圣活。



终于有一天,包比儿不再赴约了…… 她始终决定回到了四王子身边。





Wednesday, September 02, 2009

oh ya

see i am so busy working daily.

monday tuesday wednesday thursday,(do it)
friday, saturday, saturday to sunday (do it)
get get get get get with us, you know what we say
working everyday, w-w-w-working everyday

1 work for 2 restaurants: chinese and japanese
washing dishes, chopping, cutting, cleaning, wiping, running, arranging, cooking, preparing, making sushi etc

normally on weekdays, i am free after 4pm
on weekends, i am free before 4pm
sunday is stay at home day, for in this town of cowboy(with tar and car instead of horshoe and gipsy chic)

oh i gotta story, here goes.
i tried to sketch using paint but its like drawing the intestine of a doll;
its like drawing the legs of the snake;
its like taking off your pants when you fart;
its like wearing a condom after you fu*k.

last last time, on the 24th of august,
we went to hobart on my brand new second hand and serviced 1995 red camry reg. no. fn 5457 reg. til september 14th bridgestone tyres sony cd player auto transmission washed interior and shampooed seats

an hour before i reach hobart,
the car broke down,
not totalled,
but something was definitely worng with the lower part of the engine and the bearing was out of place or something like that.
the inccident that i got my finger crossed not to happen, happened.
i as the driver dragged the cracking car doing 60-70kmph on the highway to the nearest suburb 10minuts from the spot the engine fails me.
i got the car to a mechanic, or maybe the only mechanic in town.
he got me a 2nd hand engine and promised to fix it for me and suggest that i take a bus back to launceston.
in this cursed town, our phone have no signal.
in this cursed town, some flim makers are blocking a road to make a national movie, taking scene of Sydney 100years ago...
imagine this cursed place looks just like sydney a century ago, wonderful!
we spent 5-6 hours in this cursed town.
we had tea in a cafe on the one and only notable street there,
for this incident was so unpredictable we were not layered up for the cold night...
for tasmania is so cold it suck.
instead of going back home,
we decided to take on the journey and went on to hobart.
we walked blindly in the dark on the dead town of hobart city and got ourselves a room in backpacker.

fix car very expensive!!!!