woot... another post in a row...
ok here i go... aih... sad thing is just now 1 of my housemate had move to a new place... kinda sad... she is a kind girl... my course rep... we once was kinda good fren... 1 of my first 5 friends in my col... well, we use to crap around and stuff.. it was fun... and there was a gang of us always go yc, shopping, movie and stuff... so life is kinda fun... all of us cook in our new house, party everyday, 4 of us staying together have time to sit down and chat til midnite... then there was this guy... he was a friend of me n her... both close.. he was my best pal once... due to some misunderstood... totally misunderstood, we havent talk since then... and then among us a whole gang of frends started to divide... division and many proplems then continually appeared among people in our course... well, then after a few month, my relationship with jeanie (my hsemate) started to change...after she is together with 1 of my frend... i dunno wats the main reason... maybe actually we cant really stay together... maybe there are some misunderstood, some misinterpretation... mis here and mis there... relationship starts to crack... well maybe we dont really understand each other well... aih.. maybe i said something wrong at a wrong timing... maybe i did something that hurt her... maybe i'm not as socialble as i tot.. dunno how to handle relationships... and maybe some other reasons... to be honest... me n her had been thru a kinda critical moment... because of some misunderstood.. not quarrel, not a fight, just a cold war... thankfully its repaired now.. but the scar will be there... watever it is... i hope tat she do just fine... hopefully she can find herself and manage to live her own life cheerfully...god bless.. er.. warning, no intimate relation among us la.. c'mon la bang, just pure frends... like classmates lor...
well.. the story ends here.. and back to the normal post of mine... another 2 review of music album~!
1> the killers-sam's town --> ratings 6.5/10 ... not suitable for those who dislike the killers style... i fall to it since i listen to the first album... but maybe its still new, i prefer the first album more than this new 1.. keke...
2> john mayer-continuum -->ratings 7.5/10.... ahhh~ the word to describe this.. its soft.. soulful... can bring out the feelign when u are alone in the night... after a meaningful day... it can makes u feel down if u r down. tat sort of music.. relaxing....
tired... just help her to shift hse... remind me of 11 months ago.. the same way i help her to move to this house... a friend... thank god i manage to pull it back up frm falling apart...
--------------POSTING FREENZY-------------
Monday, October 30, 2006
posting streak
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
10/30/2006 04:47:00 AM
Sunday, October 29, 2006
good morning post
wah... too hungry so i wake up to eat 2 slices of cake... then wtfpwnd i saw a black figure fell frm above to my table.. ~!!@.@ it has haste. super fast speed i cant c wat is it it run to the behind of mi fridge.. i.m quite sure tat it is a mouse... cz its dark.. and has tail... and its a freaking climber... (camp5?) as i stay high frm grd level... and mouse live under grd level... but how can he get up here??
ermm... i had watched 1 episode of hellsing since ben sen gimem the dvd... aih.. busy.. and i had downloaded 2 new albums... heres a quick review...
1> paris by paris hilton.... ratings : 8/10 or above... i dunno y but this whore can sing abit.. and the songs all very nice composed... well done~!
2> the open door by evanescence... ratings: 7/10... evanescence... promising la.. nice la... rock la... but not tat interesting as the old 1... dun have the guy rapping... aiseh...
dota 6.38 reiew....
1 new hero... call the priest.. n u cant c her head... cuz the tiger she riding is considered more impotant to icefrog. (ice FROG, now get their frog name emphasize by addingthe LEAP skill.) those new items all sukky... i tried the new cape.. got many aura dat 1... i wonder if all make dat will it stack... all armor high high... the crow is the shit... use it as observer? ayam, 200+mesos, boot, 500 mesos, all together 700++ mesos... for a freaking bird... worthless... 1 thing i hate the most is the stupid kereta... wtf y put them in? aih... make dota so unlike dota... good news!! hyperstone less 150 mesos, wraith band less another 25 mesos, and desolator(un-pop d) got a dmg increased~!!
course feedback...
this week, gotta design a bus stop, draw it out, make a steady model (omg) model arr... hard hard... dunno how to do... omg... design oso hard.... get a nice 1 but teacher say similar to a rival, so kena do again.. aih... actually got 2 designs previously approved d... but a designer oways want more... (...wit celcom postpaid, u get to enjoy more, wat more can i say? bla bla) so.. if any1 got any idea on wat materials shuld i use in the model making... let me know ...
past week report...
1. police say: simpan itu document... lain kali jangan hilang dompet...
2. bankers say: u have to wait at least 2 hrs to get ur bill paid.... swt...
3. body-poo n hair-poo still in pending list..
4. lemak is now level 52.(will stagnant till dunno when)
5. house rental still belum bayar... swt...
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
10/29/2006 08:04:00 AM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
hari raya holiday
go kuantan. lost all dota game in coolx.
go make passport. take pic din comb hair.
go movie. the pledge, the turn ,the prestige.
go the cc infront my house. connection n display SUX.
go pj. c my auntie's new born daughter.her length is like ur screen width.
go wangsa maju. my hostel. just to find tat......
go make a phone call to ATE ask for warranty. will bring my injured card there soon.
to do list:
go police station cancel my report.
go back to reactivate my back card.
go shopping for hair-poo n body-poo (shampoo n bodyshampoo)
go pay bills.
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
10/26/2006 03:24:00 AM
Saturday, October 14, 2006
friday the 13th
ok today is friday the 13th... which sounds so cool so i decide to write down wat happen to me today...
i wake up at 11+pm... then eat 3 ham jin biang. as this is my last day in kuantan.. i copy some songs to my pendrive la. found many songs... then i go ultimateguitar.com search for some tabs for those songs which i found nice... so i end up tuning my guitar to play iris, tune it back, play some christian songs, some james blunt.. till my finger aching...i played so hard.. i strum so kuat... i was kinda under ecstatic condition.. high high~! after dat.. i go play 1 dota match.. used enigma.. got pa leaver(noob) opponent got hero chantek-gondar, drow, sk, lord, cm. we got axe(qiang), bara(geng), ant. i tot we losing.. cuz after pa died 2 times he left.. i no mood play.. farm like shit... but our axe n bara so determine.. and opponent oso noob noob dei... wo we win liao... haha.. not nice de game..feel sien...
then 3 plus.. argue with mama for the car.. then go megamall...too late for movie.. just walk around with a new frend... crapping... eat drink.. then go home... bring my dobby go pee pee, i never bring my dog around since i dunno when... well... he still stinks.. haha... old doggy.. then i bath.. watch tv awhile.. sms sikit... then dota... aih.. ntg to do but dota... wat a noob... dunno y after 1 hour in the game(i m luna) i die 1st time lafter 1 hr dunno y whole pc hang d... swt... ping taken.. sure kena ban liao... kelian~ not my fault la... wuuwuuu... (aku godlike de neh,... but kena gb end liao.. swt)
after all the chi kek thing, i go c my blog lor... saw pao pao link me... with a kinda sot de name... wat liu chee kang lin chee kang.. .swt swt... then saw terry in msn put msg wat friday the 13th... so i ma post this lor...
p/s: 2 days till school open.... swt swt... 6 days till result send to home... die die... live life full while u still can.. ciaoz~!
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
10/14/2006 02:41:00 AM
Thursday, October 12, 2006
genting trip bab 3?
gone genting ... follow a dunno wat trip with parents... parents include papa mama didi n me... sleep at 4 the day before... (dota with ys after feeder in blood..zzz) then waken up by mama at 5.50am... omg... i tot i just fell asleep...zz... then walk to farmasi voon there cuz the bus is there to bring us to stadium... y there? i dunno... y walk? no transport... all kena go siapa fetch? then wait there change bus n all mafan stuff till 8++ only take off.. i think 5-6 buses all together... nothing much to say on the bus cuz i sleeping and 1 thing for sure is the bus is freakingly old... its bouncing like u-know-wat, shaking like osim de horse riding machine..zz.. then reach the skyway thing.. wait for dunno how long then go up there wait for dunno how long to check in then settled d its 3 pm. so go walk around with parents... till dinner time then eat a damn low class not nice de buffet with whole lots of old kampung folks(forgot to mention tat this trip members is made up of 85% old ah ma n ah pek. they dunno buffet i think... pnb they they just force their way to the food they want.. force here means Fcuk Or Rush Chiong Enter.. use other gournet punya spoon to take the other 1.. cuz they hardly can wait for oothers to finish taking their foods... damn damn damn...no queue up in their dictionary... mkch take food oso no manners... like never eat before... knn.. curse curse...
after eating i just go back n sleep... 8 pm sleep till 10 am... i was sleeping like dead.. and miss the main show tat night... after wake up.. go jagei at vision city... yehha~! i rediscovered virtual on 2~! nice nice... then eat kfc.. kfc here suks~ the best kentucky u can find in malaysia is KLIA perhaps... then check out 2pm... wait till 3+ go down by gondola.. then wait till 4++ in the bus for all members in the bus to show up.. ok
the bus stop at dunno where after 30min... whcih i m still sleeping.. then it stops again at 5.45pm... which is after another 60 min... at a stupid row of shops in karak or sumthing for dinner?~!@#!@ i remember the indian restaurant name restaurant JAYAL.. fucker the jibai ask me apa mau? i ask tandas mane? the hkc say tandas tarak.!@#! sohai tea maker... want to save water huh? save ur teh tarik la mh~! i pissed off.. regreted i din givem a middle fingger. ok we return to road at 7pm... stupid 1 hr break.. then at 8 pm, it stops again at petronas.. luckily its not for long.. but all those time wasting stops really time wasting..>.< 5 hour on the bumping bus.. siao kah liao liao~ reach home at 9pm. tired.
people i met in this trip : Mr Leong(u guess it right. .chemical leong, as lengzai as ever) mr tan sing, kianhan punya lou dao lou mou, some strangers only my father knows... and some young girls... boh sui geh.. >.< tats all..
p/s : genting memang entertaining.. hehe.. o.0
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
10/12/2006 04:08:00 AM
Monday, October 09, 2006
-this blog ain't daed-
all the last thing that wont last
last dota match - with hx, ky, cc, sy. my boney-chan kill 3, dies 8 or 9.= feeder bone fletcher...wtf~
last movie watch - miami vice.. sleepy movie is wat they said...
last gal i fetch - ngek ngek...
last person i call - ngek ngek...
last person i chat with - a VIP
last poem i make - link to cc's blog bah~
last thing i eat - pear
last tv show i watch - miu tiu sukk nui (wah lai toi 8.30 pm sunday)
last msn msg i received - 1.49am
last thing to write - nothing
last thing to do - post this crap
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
10/09/2006 04:50:00 AM