ok now there will be less than 12 hrs for me to be in the exam hall sweating and probably feeling disconsolate (laernt frm wei kee's blog)
sigh i dunno how much i can remember frm what i've study.... god pls have mercy on me....
well i've been surfing the dictinary.com and i kinda love the word of the day section.. yeha...there is this RSS feed which i dunno what is it but i think its those XTM or HTML or whatever website template link... sigh.. i m too noob in thise website stuff... help me... i liek to get it on my blog...
Thursday, January 25, 2007
panic! at the exam hall
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
1/25/2007 12:18:00 AM
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Dawn yeo in the house~!!
check out my frend list, i mean i dunno her she dunno me i just add for fun since she is in the FHM megazine top 100 sexiest gal list. yes, a singapore blogger and half celebrity, so with ntg else to do i juts link her page to mine. heres some pics of hers and information bout her. ~her wikipedia link~
~her friendster link~
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
1/20/2007 11:15:00 PM
ha ha ha
lolz... so its 40 mins to go for the head to head encounter of chelsea and liverpool. yoyo~! going to watch it in the rain~!
ok, here is it, i was laughing like mad just now, as i was watching the 23rd episode of samurai champloo. lolx, freaking funny la... ok it goes like this...
---- this episdoe start with an intro about some japanese players in major leagur baseball. yeap, no kidding, its B-A-S-E-B-A-L-L~!! so what the heck should baseball be included in an edo period(those samurai period) japan? --- an so our 3 hero and heroins came b to this lil town, stop by and met this 1 guy, who recruit them to play baseball against the americans so that the americans wont conquer the lil habour town. and in order to pay the dept they have to take part in it, now, since all the townfolks doesnt want to be included, they make up a team of 7 people, the coach himself, the 3 main char, the town head, a dog and a squirrel. (rofl XD) there is this 1 guy who browse thru the rules and regulation which didnt exclude animals out of the game... can u imagine? dog~! and the artist just draw it so cute~~ when its the doggy turn, it somehow biting the baseball bat in the mouth, and not moving, pure starring at the camera... untill the ball hits him and he run... the squirrel turn~! he saw the bat is somehow 3x his own size and weight, so he run away as well... and the old ketua kampung, he died of bone fractured on his way frm the bench to the field~! omg... the animation was so funny with the expressions and the language spoken..
ok its not funny when i say it, overall this anime is about the history of japan in edo period. and he include lotsa rapping, hip hop and wateva stupid stuff..
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
1/20/2007 10:58:00 PM
Saturday, January 13, 2007
futsal in the rain, on the slab, with new friends, and some chics...
title says it all~!
this morning i got a sms by jason, he invite me to go this sport outing with his friends which are strangers to me. so in the rain i wait for him at genting corner, then with his unser toyota we off to the spot. i was kinda nervous, alone in the dark with strangers.. all speaking english~! omg... i noob english`! total of around 16 people consists of gal n guy. guy frm thin to fat tall to not so tall. gal frm tall to short to nice to cute.
muhaha... we split into teams of 4 people, with 1 gal in each side. raining softly.. and we actually played on a hard slab used for badminton built on a small sport park beside a basketball court in an housing area not far to my place beside the main road leading from wangsa area to mrr2 with adequate lighting and a large enough space for our activities.
so i din socre any... due to long time no play and kaki keras and lack of energy. and the slipery floor act along with my inertia against me is really killing me... aih takleh show skill... =_='' win lose ... play for fun... haha.... nice also... jason told me they kinda do this kinda activity once a week mostly on friday. and he invited me to his cell grp on thursday nite... would consider bout it, since the place is just nearby brj, means walking distance~ good....
actually this bunch of christian is super outgoing and open minded. the first time i actually ran into jason is in a cyber cafe. he ask me for my number, then not long later he invited me out for dota, with his others christian mates, gals as well, well, christian outing to dota, cool huh? then some many times he asked me to go some event but u know la, my time table shedule all fully book, appointment elsewhere, bal bla bla... and now playing futsal in the middle of the nite.... haha... actually going with them is kinda relaxing ler... shuld make note on friday nite booked for this event... hmm...
-did i mention cute in my post?-
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
1/13/2007 05:45:00 AM
last thursday.. all of us in group pass up our final project model.... we only manage to get B+.. and... 1 word to describe others magnificent work piece.... and present their master piece grp by grp... unbelievable.~!! whoa~!! i cant say much,.... keep an eye on the edition i will soon make on this post...with lotsa model, drawing, design pictures~!! a breathtaking thursday morning.~!!
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
1/13/2007 05:42:00 AM
Monday, January 08, 2007
new year count down.... long time ago...
along with bunch of frends, we went to tis gal house at segamat... newr the batu caves there.. have bbq there.... play some ps2.... she really has a big house.. i mean huge... 4 storey... with a flat accesible roof floor.. bigger than a futsal fireld... cool~!!
so we fooled around.... putting effort to get those charcoal burnt.... then eat.... and so on.... when the clock htis 12, we just stand at the roof top.... viewing all angle of selangor.... superB~ can c genting, klcc, stadium merdeka and so on n so on..... all those fire works can be seen at this very rof top~!! cool`!! they all last bout 15min.. then we hug hug wish wish... then go home~!! boring but fun.. huh?
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
1/08/2007 04:49:00 PM
lame topic.... ok this is not about rock climbing, nor fishes, nor maths, antlion or so on...
well, these 2 days my pc is fully monopilied by my hsemate to do assignment... which i appear to be in the same group with her so the choice is not there for me to make.
i just went back frm makan.. at mamak... as usual... then this FA cup man utd vs aston villa... watch watch ler... the mamak is full of man utd supporters.. so damn mad they all crazy bout their team... once larsson scored, all of them jump and yelled.. i mean wtf... as if they are some shareholders of the club... 7sin... so it makes me so not want man utd to win the match (othough kinda impossible..) then when baros scored, woot~! i throw my fists into the air.... yeha~! not far away frm my table there is this guy more ecstated... he stand up in the middle of all man utd fans.. brave kid~! nvm. i was so pleased to see those manu fans keep queit... showing a grief face... fun fun~! but as usual the good scene doesnt last long... cb man utd scored +2 into the stoppage time... shit la... fucking pendominum in the mamak... every 1 stand n shout... for what purpose? who cares la... i just hope that 1 day ronaldo and rooney will get injured,... a long devastating injured.. so that mr alex will scratch his nearly-hairless head figuring how to cover the blow.. hahahah... wakakak.... wait and c...
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
1/08/2007 03:28:00 AM
Saturday, January 06, 2007
1 month n 3 days...
yeap... tats how long i havent been posting here... cuz lazy... then afterthat when dun feels like lazy, the earthquake make blogger sot sot dei... sien... so now here is a brief update... nothing special... but lately been busy with 2 big assignments.... so very busy lor... then after the assignments have to exam d... whalao... i know nothing ler.. how to exam? and happy new year to all of us.... new year ... new gf? new gal? no. year new but items equipments all old 1... btw my display card is still under construction... maybe stuck somewhere in taiwan... zzz... haha... watiting for the call... omg.. 1 year d ... i miss agent 47~!
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
1/06/2007 03:27:00 PM