mid semester break, yes! break! go break go!
dyed my hair,yes! dye! go dye go!
cut my hair,yes! cut! go cut go!
Friday, August 29, 2008
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
8/29/2008 08:57:00 PM
Labels: random
Monday, August 25, 2008
today, i involved in a car accident.
my friend's type-r kena langgar~!!
the impact was so great, it sent me to the sky through the front windshield!
well just kidding, the impact was there though, lucky we did not get hurt, thanks to them new wheels that makes the car higher, and when the other party's car knocked us, it went underneath it and skewed and distorted the bumper upwards, and part of it bent onto the back wheel and it impaired the mobility of our ride.
miraculously, the other car, subaru was good as always, with a little scratches, i mean LITTLE.
in the end, everything got solved, by the insurance company, do not know how it works though, but the other party claimed that the insurance he bought will cover up all the damages.
down days for my mate, lost gucci wallet with pounds, aussie, cards, ids in it earlier this week, and the nice ride got screwed today. stay strong and overcome it~ luck will bounce back on you~!
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
8/25/2008 11:52:00 PM
Labels: events
reaching the half of the semester.... can have a rest and there will be a one week holiday next week...
did my presentation today.. managed to get things 'done' and managed to crap abit after the 3hrs sleep this morning.. anyone wants to see the model i made in 1 morning? (note:its a piece of crap the tutors dont even bother to look at it.)
in order to rush things out the nights before, i nearly vomited my heart out... serious.
its.... time... to RELAX~!
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
8/25/2008 07:06:00 PM
Labels: assignments
Sunday, August 24, 2008
another sunrise in the uni.
another night without day,
another weekend i spent in the uni without a bed,
without sleep,
without progression,
with loads of stress.
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
8/24/2008 06:40:00 AM
Labels: assignments
question mark..
sometimes when i was doing something, i thought of what to blog later, like some thought and some 'thing-la' but then, everytime, i mean everytime i forgot what i was thinking about, so ended up, i post boring shits.
thinking back, this blog has been opened already for 3 years plus, and i have not post a good, decent post. i've changed the skin and layout for more than 3 times, been with me this blogsphere for such a long time, but everything include in this blog is blank, pure noob empty blog, its like i never did grow, nor the blog.
how many people read this blog? i am sorry for my dear readers. especially, my dad. haha, ever since he noticed the existence of this page, he never stop complaining about how poor is my english and how badly i write. i do not deny the fact. sometimes i want to write a bit better, but somehow i cant and i dont. i do not want to edit and prepare my post everytime, and rehearse and review back what i've written, minimize the errors and try to include some vocabulary by going through dictionary and thesaurus and some translator websites. i know a lot of blogger, perhaps most of them or all of them actually read back what they've written, edit here and there and makes the passage as fluent, as nice, as articulated as possible, and this makes them feel good. its not a bad thing to do so, in fact its good to do so, it might be the right thing to do.
for me, i want my blog to be me, to reflect me, as a window for the outside to see a bit of my inside. RAW, not cooked. if something is raw, you can treat it anyway you intend, if its cooked, its not fresh anymore, it limits the possibility for opportunities. and it reflects on the stages i've been at, when i read back at them on my 50s. (finger x-ed)
so, read this blog, at your own risk. i am not obliged for compensation if my job-blowing tenses causes injury to any reader.
(dont worry, i write this in calm atmosphere, no moody psychology influences. and no reason whatsoever at all. )
=) kthxbye
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
8/24/2008 12:42:00 AM
Labels: philosohpy sial; 瞎哲学, random
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
as promised...
edited.... coming soon..
conclusion: i did so long... so don't like oso give face abit la, i oso give face to myself... took me a lot of courage to post this...
well if you wonder why my title is weird.. then pay attention to my previous post... !@#!$%(yes got abit angry cuz YOU tend to miss my posts if i post 2 in a short period of time)
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
8/20/2008 09:07:00 AM
Labels: assignments
3rd consecutive days camping in uni
obvious enough.
i lost 5% this morning due to late submission, spent 2 freaking days on the model... gonna show it off abit here... but not nice tho... after seeing others superb models on display...
still doing my panel~!!
this is the kinda of speed i get when i have no idea what to do.... sigh sigh..
due to lack of rest... a horrible acne popped out~ oh emm gee~
by the way, i got a place in the studio~ yay~ gonna camp more often in the uni in the coming days i guess... because this is it.. the last semester of the 1st degree.. (not for me tho, you'd know why, unless you dont care, bout me)
advantage to camp in uni:
1. great spot for sniping (..well, camper??)
2. fast and free internet
3. free heating (sometimes..)
4. free toilet roll
5. free electricity
6. free from coldness of my room
7. can throw rubbish onto the floor (great for model making session)
8. free hot water to bath
9. full length mirror~ 2 sides some more~
10. can steal stuff (if lucky)
disadvantages (expected)
1. no self cooking
2. staircase can be tiring
3. too expose
4. no bed =(
5. no pillow =(
6. no blanket =(
7. no porn
8. no speaker
9. no bittorrent
10. very cold and tiring to go home (if want to)
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
8/20/2008 06:22:00 AM
Labels: assignments, random
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
hobart 2
went hobart again.. some tutorial session with practitioners. Some very good architects were involved in it, but sadly, i was under a noob tutor... so basically, nothing special.
this time we got more people staying together. and we got ourselves a house kinda accommodation.very big and spacious, full kitchen utensils, heater, 4 rooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 storeys, washing machine and fridge.. all basic needs of a house is provided.

cheekang not ck
somewhere around
8/05/2008 06:57:00 PM
Labels: assignments, events
Sunday, August 03, 2008
good morning
hi how are you?
I am freezing thank you.
In less than 3 hours i will be heading to Hobart.
Just done my model. As usual it looks like shit. I dunno why i spent like... 5 hours plus in the making of it?
Another saturday night, worked like a dog in restaurant, and continue the assignment after that.
do i feel tired?
i dunno how to explain.. cold + exhausted + pain + all sorts of emotional attack + dont forget the psychological side of everything.
with me is my supper-box with clayfish, siuyuk and chicken.. and a ciggy. but i somehow dont feel like eating them.
futursim: my health is gonna be so fcuked up in 20 years time, or less.
optimistic: nothing.
btw, kinda awe by my ipod. its been 2 days since of continuous playing, exclude the pausing, and i found that i have yet encounter a repeated song.
hey, a bald guard with tattoo behind his head just walked pass.
no he is not 47, the tattoo is something with wing, not a barcode. and if its 47, i might have been dead, and still wondering what the heck happened.
ok, my mind is moving to another state.. . better stop before something unorthodox happen.
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
8/03/2008 05:17:00 AM
Labels: assignments, random