Wednesday, October 29, 2008
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
10/29/2008 12:47:00 PM
Labels: assignments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
i hate this part
of my course... the ending part.
i done my final project.
i seriously hate it.
fuck fuck fuck
1,000,000 kcuf
how am i gonna present it tomorrow?
to tell people how much i hate it?
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
10/28/2008 03:25:00 AM
Labels: assignments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
now what?
sick at the finals-eve?
i do not know what to do....
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
10/26/2008 12:53:00 AM
Labels: assignments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
fyi, there is this new animated series call wolverine and the xmen.
its still coming out weekly.
i still remember when i was young, i used to sit down in front of the tv with my brother every sunday morning to watch xmen.
in fact, our first computer game is xmen: children of the atom, 2D fighting game when a piece of CD cost rm15 back in the days...
i was so young i dont really understand the series well...
and by watching the latest, ugly animated it triggers my interest to go back and re-understand it,
and also because the world of marvel heroes is fun to explore...
and so i downloaded the 1992 series,
with the intro theme that sounds like this:
"deng-deng dend-deng deng deng..deng ..."
jean, gambit and storm are missing but who cares since rogue is here.. =)
i finished the 1st season in 2 days,
which again i am suppose to do my freaking work instead.
i now know what is going on,
but still...
there are alot of conflict in the series with the other series...
there are too many versions and 'world' in them...
i cant figure out how they relateto each other.. yet... damn...
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
10/18/2008 03:26:00 PM
Labels: memory vault, random
bad drea x good dream
last night,
or this morning i cant remember well,
i had this weird dream.
i found that my guitar body is cracked, there is a hole at one corner, must have caused by knocking.
i was so helpless, i did not know what to do then i ran to my mum to seek for comfort...
sad case.
the next moment,
i was with some of my friends which i do not know who for i did not see their faces.
we were at this sort of resort island,
and a girl in my hometown which is not close to me at all but at the same time we did somehow was real close in real life...
complexity, its not what you think it is...
and i saw her topless in my dream,
ambiguity is i did not know whether she went topless or its just merely my imagination,
but why her?
i did not know.
the one you are thinking is not the one i am referring,
and stop trying you will never get it.
ok the new altec lansing is rocking my room whole day..
and that is one of the reason why my leah dizon keep on dropping from the wall...
got to make a run to the toilet,
shit is rushing out from my asshole and i do not want to shit my pants or let it leaks onto the floor and got vibrated by the bass and shoot it all over my bed and send the stinks floating in the air which lure the visits of flies and roaches to coexist with me in my room which at the moment smell of mild lavender fragrance and bananas as i recently was quite mildly addicted to bananas for its spring now the weather is warm enough to mass produce them but still its kinda cold in the night but i am still surviving with shortpants and shortsleeve in the sleep which leads to the weird dream i mentioned earlier in this post that i am not suppose to write now because i should have been doing my work and i should not even feel the shit coming.
ok its coming
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
10/18/2008 12:17:00 AM
Labels: memory vault
Friday, October 17, 2008
lets see..
size comparison...
the AL is like twice the size of Creative.
the sound.....
whole new experience...
i am not an audiophile,
i cant accurately judge the output,
but the difference is so big!
anyways, i am loving it!
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
10/17/2008 01:10:00 PM
Labels: geek
counting down...
to the day i am going back malaysia!
yes! i know you miss me...
and i am coming back,
so hug me if you can!
or you can politely ask meto hug you instead!
back to reality,
its the final week of non-stop-cadding!
eat cad
sleep cad
drink cad
and thinking of the hassle and trouble to be handle before leaving,
pain in the arse!
according to limcc,
the by2 album i downloaded,
i likey the lyrics of the 3rd song,
song name pp something 1,
just love the lyrics!
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
10/17/2008 12:10:00 AM
Labels: assignments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
a change
from this... to this
creative m2600 to altec lansing fx4021
found it quite cheap on ebay...
and with current currency rate...
i whack it with second thought.
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
10/12/2008 01:05:00 PM
Labels: geek
Saturday, October 11, 2008
i was so sissy i watched high school musical.
to top it off,
i watched the 1st of the trilogy. (well there are 3 at the moment...)
to whipped the cream off the top,
i found it quite nice.
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
10/11/2008 02:24:00 AM
Labels: random
Friday, October 10, 2008
we who are in aussie know and are liking the currency exchange rate at the moment.
shall we say thanks to the 700 billion bailout spent by US government?
a person who did not bother bout the world,
knows nothing about the current big issues of the world.
i have no opinion.
but i enjoyed reading this
feel free to read it if you care.
i quoted a very true line:
"Buy things through eBay, save transportation, save money, save environment as well."
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
10/10/2008 01:10:00 AM
Labels: random
Thursday, October 09, 2008
archiball pictures
lots of pictures coming up.
one more source not included.
hat: buy cheap
shirt: housemate's
jacket: housemate's
not an event i looking forward to.. like last minute decision to go, so was not really focus on dress code.

cheekang not ck
somewhere around
10/09/2008 06:54:00 PM
Labels: events
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Friday, October 03, 2008
from archi ball!
how was it?
basically the theme is art deco
every one was hawwt!
except me...
i was sobering?
dont know why always feeling drab when it comes to social events.
like stodgy events to me...
happens to me every single time when i hit a club.
i need people to activate me, not liquor.
a dog is always better than a log.
basically i hate the word basically
like.. basically every asian use it as a starting line in almost every presentation.
well, basically... and basically,... so, basically... booring..
picture up soon...
catch them on fb if cant wait..
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
10/03/2008 01:57:00 AM
Labels: events
Thursday, October 02, 2008
last night
the food was fawesome.
super the nice!
thanks to derrick, ibbo, birly, esther, regina, chengngai, aaron, kristy.
berry nice nasi lemak,
berry delicious sambal curry and all the pedas thing.
ok i link to vir's blog forst.. she got all them pics.
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
10/02/2008 01:27:00 PM
Labels: events
i remember..
when i saw kinwai's boot.....
i remember when i was form 4,
me and a bunch of my pals play football in a school field everyday.
like.. monday to friday.
then there was this guy,
a random guy who pops out of nowhere,
i can't remember his name...
he shown up in the field for like 3-4 times?
and he told me he was studying in Kl,
and he seldom play football,
and he thought of giving me his boots,
reason: for a person who can make good use of it rather than leaving itself to rust by time.
he fetched me to his house,
grabbed the boot for me,
and sent me home.
he even offer my brother to tag along his car back to KL.
i can't describe the feeling..
it was like...
such a long time ago,
and i could be so forgetful, insomnia?
or pure ignorance...
if i kinwai happens not to wear the same model of boot,
the incident will remains scraps somewhere behind my brain.
until now,
i felt grateful and thankful.
come on?! he barely knew me for a week..
and he never shown up since then,
or maybe he did,
i just couldn't picture his face anymore...
whats left in pieces is the boot's model, and his car is kelisa (finger crossed)
to make things worse,
i seldom wear that boot,
its only got 6 studs,
6 removable metal studs,
and i somehow screwed them in wrong arrangement,
and it hurts (fhurts) when i run in it.
and one day,
kianhan came to me,
borrowed the boot from me,
and since then,
the boots is gone.
he never returned it to me.
and now,
i am missing it a little.
afterall it was an extraordinary commission,
like the way i get this boot,
like the way your fire mage got this super rare item from an orc in WoW.
like mysteriously i cant explained.
like i am going to end this post.
like this. *snap*
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
10/02/2008 01:16:00 AM
.. my sidebar sink.
in case you do not know.
and i find that,
actually not many notice the incident,
that shows how ignorant you guys are.
like you don't even bother to scroll through my blog.
F I N E .
cheekang not ck
somewhere around
10/02/2008 01:14:00 AM
Labels: random