Tuesday, October 02, 2007

got this postcard from a friend,(his mom in china sent him these postcards and he gave 1 for me. its not that he sent me 1.) the mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympiad.

from the left:
color: blue
gender: female
hat-hat: blue octopus
element: water~

color: black
codename: 晶晶 gender: male
hat-hat: 3 leaves
clan: LeafVillage

color: red
codename: 欢欢 gender: chic
hat-hat: fire!
element: ..quite obvious le gua...

color: oling
codename: 迎迎 gender: lelaki
hat-hat: cow horns... and ears as well
clan: tauren sages

color: green
codenama: 妮妮 gender: male
hat: birdie
clan: bird species

-end of Fuwa analysis._ .
ok continue my essay. just timeout post. =p

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